2-Judge APHA Show  - 2-Judge AQHA Show - Rasseoffene Klassen
PHCG Leistungsprüfung für Hengste, Stuten & Wallache
PHCG High Point Show 
PHCG Westfalen Regionalgruppenmeisterschaft
(APHA, AQHA & PHCG approved)

25. & 26.Mai 2024


Ergebnisse Westfalen

Dateiname Größe Datum
An Adobe Acrobat file 136004 - Level 1 Western Riding All Ages.pdf 309.11 KB 2024-05-28
An Adobe Acrobat file 138000 - Trail All Ages.pdf 295.67 KB 2024-05-28
An Adobe Acrobat file 138004 - Level 1 Trail All Ages.pdf 298.94 KB 2024-05-28
An Adobe Acrobat file 143000 - Ranch Riding All Ages.pdf 313.29 KB 2024-05-28
An Adobe Acrobat file 212000 - Amateur Showmanship at Halter.pdf 309.79 KB 2024-05-28
An Adobe Acrobat file 212002 - Level 1 Amateur Showmanship at Halter.pdf 306.85 KB 2024-05-28
An Adobe Acrobat file 238000 - Amateur Trail All Ages.pdf 295.03 KB 2024-05-28
An Adobe Acrobat file 238002 - Level 1 Amateur Trail All Ages.pdf 296.49 KB 2024-05-28
An Adobe Acrobat file 243000 - Amateur Ranch Riding All Ages.pdf 318.03 KB 2024-05-28
An Adobe Acrobat file 252000 - Amateur Hunt Seat Equitation All Ages.pdf 309.7 KB 2024-05-28
An Adobe Acrobat file 252002 - Level 1 Amateur Hunt Seat Equitation All Ages.pdf 310.06 KB 2024-05-28
An Adobe Acrobat file 412000 - Youth Showmanship at Halter.pdf 304.19 KB 2024-05-28
An Adobe Acrobat file NH1 - Novice Amateur Western Horsemanship.pdf 285.43 KB 2024-05-28
An Adobe Acrobat file NRP1 - Novice Amateur Ranch Riding All Ages.pdf 297.4 KB 2024-05-28
An Adobe Acrobat file NSH1 - Novice Amateur Showmanship at Halter.pdf 301.8 KB 2024-05-28
An Adobe Acrobat file NT1 - Novice Amateur Trail All Ages.pdf 325.14 KB 2024-05-28
An Adobe Acrobat file PAIH3 - All Registries Amateur 3-Yr & Older Trail In Hand.pdf 305.13 KB 2024-05-28
An Adobe Acrobat file PAIH3 - All Registries Amateur Yearling & 2-Yr-Old Trail in Hand.pdf 304.82 KB 2024-05-28
An Adobe Acrobat file PAL10 - All Registries Amateur 3-Yr & Older Longe Line.pdf 296.87 KB 2024-05-28
An Adobe Acrobat file PASH1 - All Registries Amateur Showmanship at Halter.pdf 303.63 KB 2024-05-28
An Adobe Acrobat file PAT1 - All Registries Amateur Trail All Ages.pdf 324.41 KB 2024-05-28
An Adobe Acrobat file PGRHP - All Registries Green Ranch Riding All Ages.pdf 301.99 KB 2024-05-28
An Adobe Acrobat file PGRNG - All Registries Green Reining All Ages.pdf 280.84 KB 2024-05-28
An Adobe Acrobat file PGTR - All Registries Green Trail All Ages.pdf 295.39 KB 2024-05-28
An Adobe Acrobat file PIHT3 - Yearling & 2-Yr-Old Trail In Hand.pdf 302.08 KB 2024-05-28
An Adobe Acrobat file PIHT4 - 3-Yr & Older Trail In Hand.pdf 320.7 KB 2024-05-28
An Adobe Acrobat file PLLN4 - All Registries 3-Yr & Older Longe Line.pdf 303.12 KB 2024-05-28
An Adobe Acrobat file PRHP1 - All Registries Ranch Riding All Ages.pdf 336.63 KB 2024-05-28
An Adobe Acrobat file PRNG1 - All Registries Reining All Ages.pdf 257.63 KB 2024-05-28
An Adobe Acrobat file PTRL1 - All Registries Trail All Ages.pdf 314.6 KB 2024-05-28
An Adobe Acrobat file ROSO - Rasseoffen Showmanship at Halter.pdf 153.4 KB 2024-05-28
An Adobe Acrobat file RRIO - Rasseoffen Ranch Riding.pdf 161.79 KB 2024-05-28
An Adobe Acrobat file RTI1 - Rasseoffen Trail In Hand All Ages.pdf 172.68 KB 2024-05-28
An Adobe Acrobat file RTRO - Rasseoffen Trail.pdf 156.82 KB 2024-05-28
An Adobe Acrobat file RWHO - Rasseoffen Western Horsemanship.pdf 130.2 KB 2024-05-28
An Adobe Acrobat file RWRW - Rasseoffen Walk-Trot Ranch Riding.pdf 174.34 KB 2024-05-28
An Adobe Acrobat file RWTH - Rasseoffen Walk-Trot Western Horsemanship.pdf 159.34 KB 2024-05-28
An Adobe Acrobat file RWTT - Rasseoffen Walk-Trot Trail.pdf 160 KB 2024-05-28
An Adobe Acrobat file YWTS - PHCG Youth Walk-Trot Showmanship.pdf 305.41 KB 2024-05-28

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